Con Fo-lan Lay Castillo y Antonella Velásquez
Octubre 7 al 14, 2023
Matrícula: $750
Becas disponibles.
Para más información escríbenos a samanta@thefourwinds.com.

¡Aprende a co-crear con el Espíritu! Recibe las iniciaciones de una antigua tradición de los Andes para despertar tu pasión y visión y soñar con un nuevo mundo. Las diez transmisiones energéticas, o “ritos”, transforman nuestro campo de energía humano en el de Homo luminous, uno que vive libre de miedo y reside en su naturaleza trascendente. Recibes y aprendes la forma exacta de los ritos de iniciación y las habilidades para facilitar esta iniciación a amigos y clientes. Los Ritos del Munay-Ki están basados en prácticas iniciáticas de los chamanes de los Andes y la Amazonía y fueron traídos a Occidente por el Dr. Alberto Villoldo, destilados de su trabajo como antropólogo médico con los altos chamanes del Perú.
About Fo-lan Lay Castillo
Fo Lan comenzó su sendero espiritual a temprana edad a través de la meditación y mostrando interés por diversas corrientes espirituales, estados de consciencia y cuidado con el planeta.
Fo Lan estudió Psicología y pronto se especializó como Psicoterapeuta Transpersonal.
Por último egresó de la escuela Los Cuatro Caminos con mención en Medicina Energética y Chamánica, siendo sus mentores directos, Marcela Lobos y Alberto Villoldo, Phd.
Actualmente, Fo Lan forma parte del equipo académico de Four Winds Society y es terapeuta en los exclusivos programas “Grow a New Body” del Dr. Villoldo.
About Antonella Velásquez
Antonella nació en Lima, Perú, e inició su exploración en el ámbito del aprendizaje humano a través de diversos procesos de transformación personal, formándose finalmente, como Coach Ontológico Integral.
Como parte de su proceso de sanación encontró un especial y profundo sentido en el poder de la Medicina Energética como medio de reencuentro con lo más esencial de cada persona, su propio poder y medicina, lo que la llevó a formarse en los programas de la Rueda Medicinal y el Munay-Ki de Escuela Los Cuatro Caminos.

with Lynn Berryhill
October 16 – 23, 2023
Tuition: $1,450

This training will support practitioners of energy medicine with the tools you need to work with difficult cases and resolve toxic energies. To do this the practitioner must explore even deeper layers of his/her own healing journey. You learn to work more deeply with shamanic protections and shamanic self-care.
You will learn strategies for strengthening your bands of power and protection, preparing healing Spirit waters, and working with feathers and swords. You master how to clear toxic energies and entities from spaces, and even “entities” that have formed a trauma bond with your client, and spirit beings that drain the human energy field.
You will delve deeply into the art of healing ancestral curses and learn to create different types of despachos and invite spirit guardians to the feast you have prepared for your client’s healing. You will learn how you can tap into the collective credit of good deeds of shamans who have come before you for use in your healing work. You will also explore the mystery of oracles and how to use them creatively.
About Lynn Berryhill
Lynn Berryhill is an acclaimed artist whose paintings are featured in collections throughout the U.S. and Europe. Lynn is an energy medicine practitioner, and her creative spirit lets her easily take students into the realms of the soul to learn to work with destiny.
This program is for graduates of the Light Body School Only.

with Lynn Berryhill
October 25 - November 1, 2023
Tuition: $1,450

You learn to assist others to step into their destiny with absolute non-attachment, to influence events that occurred in the past, and to change fate into destiny.
We will explore ways in which you can heal yourself and your loved ones by employing intention through practices used by shamans of the Americas—which, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world. The shamans of old called this journeying. You’ll discover that you have a four-chambered soul in the same way you have a four-chambered heart. In the first chamber, you store away the memory of wounds that derailed your destiny. In the second, you store the secret limiting beliefs and soul contracts that you entered into at the time of your loss. In the third, you recover the grace and trust that will make you whole again; and in the fourth, you remember the calling and mission that you choose to unfold in this lifetime. While everyone has a future, only certain people have a destiny. This course shows you how to find and manifest yours, and how to assist your clients find the map that leads them to a rich and fulfilling life.
About Lynn Berryhill
Lynn Berryhill is an acclaimed artist whose paintings are featured in collections throughout the U.S. and Europe. Lynn is an energy medicine practitioner, and her creative spirit lets her easily take students into the realms of the soul to learn to work with destiny.
This program is for graduates of the Light Body School Only.
The 300-hour residential program is internationally recognized as the Gold Standard in shamanic energy medicine. This is the full 28-day residential program. Our mission is to train wise and ethical Energy Medicine Practitioners and give you the tools to launch a meaningful new career doing what you love. Discover the anatomy of the human energy field. Learn to clear the imprints of trauma, and download the codes for the new human that is appearing on the Earth today.
You learn to create sacred ceremonies and rites of passage, master the art of soul retrieval, and learn to help a loved one recover their purpose and destiny. You can apply the teachings in your existing wellness practice or launch a new career as a Health Coach .
Join an international group of students for deep immersion in the shamanic healing practices. Andean shamans are with us for the training and ceremonies.

with Alberto Villoldo
December 04 – 11, 2023
Tuition: $8,000

Are you feeling the need for a major reset? Do you want to shed unwanted pounds, and come to a new level of energy and wellbeing? In just 7 days you will take the steps to exceptional health so your healthspan can equal your lifespan!​ Detoxifying nutraceuticals clear away the brain fog, bring you increased clarity and energy, and protect your brain. Special probiotics and tonics prepared in our Earth-lab repair the gut, silence the genes that create disease, and switch on the longevity genes. IV Infusions at the clinic detoxify the body and brain and trigger whole-body regeneration. Longevity medicine and modern science meet here!

with Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos

December 15 – 22, 2023
Tuition: $1,450
Master the art of tracking, shamanic seeing, and creating sacred maps that guide you to discover the secrets of wisdom and shamanic power. You master the skill of shamanic perception and develop and refine the practice of ‘tracking.” You learn the arts of the medical intuitive -- how to read inside a person’s body to examine organs, systems, tissues, and to diagnose spiritual disease.
This program is for graduates of the Light Body School Only.

with Alberto Villoldo
January 03 – 10, 2024
Tuition: $8,000

Are you feeling the need for a major reset? Do you want to shed unwanted pounds, and come to a new level of energy and wellbeing? In just 7 days you will take the steps to exceptional health so your healthspan can equal your lifespan!​ Detoxifying nutraceuticals clear away the brain fog, bring you increased clarity and energy, and protect your brain. Special probiotics and tonics prepared in our Earth-lab repair the gut, silence the genes that create disease, and switch on the longevity genes. IV Infusions at the clinic detoxify the body and brain and trigger whole-body regeneration. Longevity medicine and modern science meet here!

with Vera Bollag & Alberto Villoldo

January 11 – 13, 2024
Tuition: $750
Ayahuasca is the visionary drink of the Amazon shamans. You will learn to work with homeopathic formulations of the plant medicine - with no chemical traces yet infused with the spirit and power of the Rainforest and the Mother plant. These are the very high frequency LM potencies that open doorways to the invisible world of Spirit and upgrade the quality of the human energy field. Dr. Vera Bolag is a distinguished homeopath from Zurich who has been in private practice for more than 30 years and has traveled to the Amazon to work directly with renowned shamans.
About Vera Bollag
Vera Bollag is a classical homeopath (SHI) with more than 30 years of experience, living in Zürich. She also studied shamanic healing under the guidance of Alberto Villoldo. In addition to her homeopathic practice, Vera advises about nutrition, supplements, and energy healing.

with Alicia Boyes & Alberto Villoldo
January 15 – 22, 2024
Tuition: $1,250

Transform your cooking, transform your health. What and how we prepare our meals is essential to our wellness; mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Drawing upon the brilliance of plant intelligence while enhancing fundamental kitchen skills we are able to nourish and heal ourselves and others at an essential level.
Guiding you through the principles of cooking, specific techniques, and the importance of ingredients we will explore how to create delicious nourishing meals through hands-on activities and guidance. You are invited to step into the kitchen as a practice of connecting to yourself and the bounty of the earth.
This course is based on the Grow a New Body Cookbook, an opportunity for you to gain confidence and learn new ways to approach your kitchen as a sanctuary of health and deliciousness. Feel the clarity of mind, the connectedness of spirit, and the vibrance of body, because you are worthy of feeling your best.
About Alicia Boyes
Known as a trailblazer for women in hospitality, Alicia has led some of the world's most esteemed services and operational teams. As the nation's first three Michelin Star female General Manager, Alicia's dedication to the art of hospitality led her from the restaurant world to a global commercial real estate firm, integrating core hospitality principles into the corporate setting in order to create cultural shifts. Tailoring leadership development programs to refine the client experience on both sides of the brick and mortar, her work in that context moved her to take a healing turn.
Stepping away from hospitality and the corporate world to heal her own unresolved trauma, Alicia began working through two decades of PTSD after a harrowing natural disaster that left her literally buried alive. Via her extensive studies of trauma, PTSD, and survivor's guilt, she's transformed her personal experience and education into her work as a board-certified Hypnotherapist, designing proven programs to help her clients heal. Specializing in Rapid Transformational Therapy, Alicia is focused on her client's discovery of their innate resources, releasing from the past to become fully present to what's possible right now.

with Martha Abbot
January 23 – 30, 2024
Tuition: $1,450

Join Martha Abbot, Four Winds Lead Faculty and Yoga Teacher, on a journey to recover your health and balance. This program combines movement, creative expression, the beauty of our natural environment with the healing practices of the Medicine Wheel to help you recover your innate wisdom through reclaiming your body and spiritual balance. We explore the inner landscape of body, emotion, mind, and spirit, to reawaken to your heart’s longing and passion for life. Creative expression, group work, ceremony, and healing practices will be our navigation tools to refresh, revitalize, renew, and recover.
About Martha Abbot
Martha started her studies with The Four Winds Society in 2007, and has assisted with residential and online teaching since 2018. She is a certified Movement Therapist, professional Kripalu Yoga teacher, and creator of the Yoga Alliance-certified Spirit Moves You Teacher Training. Martha has led workshops and trainings throughout the US and abroad for the past 20 years.

with Marcela Lobos
February 02 – 09, 2024
Tuition: $1,450

In this program you will learn about the basis of depth psychology and the relationship between the Eagle, the Self and the unconscious, and the dynamic of the psyche. Deepen your understanding of archetypes and universal images, energies, and events. Explore the creation myths from different traditions, the heroic journeys of the feminine and the masculine, and the sacred marriage that allows the inner child to fully shine.

with Dr. Robyn Benson
February 12 – 19, 2024
Tuition: $1,450

Transform in a sacred environment with other like-minded women, where your body, mind, and spirit, will be restored, nourished, and liberated in deep and profound ways. Join Dr. Robyn and other women who are committed to extraordinary self-care, for this transformative and empowering experience in the beautiful mountains in Chile.
Dr. Robyn’s Amplified Regenerative Therapies (A.R.T.) are designed to help you attain a high quality of life, rectify core imbalances, prevent disease, and maintain a strong immune system. Reenergize aging cells and tissues with rejuvenating therapies, increase your brain power, and reclaim your sexuality. Leave with a long-term wellness plan for a vibrant liberated life and effective tools to sustain your progress.
In this unique, interactive retreat Dr. Benson will guide you in a journey of alchemy, leading you to discover and unleash the power and joy of living a vital regenerative lifestyle.
During this program, you will:
Surround yourself with a dynamic community of proactive women who are ready to release their burdens, to reinvent, regenerate, and reignite, together.
Experience Rejuvenating therapies such as IV therapies, deep tissue massage, breath work, and sacred dance. You will also have the opportunity to add Ozone therapy and Natural Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for joint, face, and sexual rejuvenation, if interested.
Awaken to your new human story! Your true radiant feminine presence and strength.
Heal blockages regarding your health, relationships, and life success.
Leave feeling uplifted, stronger, and empowered, with a greater vision and a precise plan for your life, and with effective tools to maintain your progress.
About Dr. Robyn Benson
For 30+ years Dr. Robyn Benson has been a Doctor of Oriental Medicine creatively applying her knowledge of acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies with regenerative science, and leading-edge energy medicine to help patients get out of pain and help them design a regenerative lifestyle. Dr. Robyn founded the Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine, as she pioneered The Self-Care Revolution, created Amplified Regenerative Therapies (A.R.T.), and Destination Regenerate. Dr. Robyn is the bestselling author of Travel With Vitality.

with Geshe Shenphen Samdup
February 21 – 28, 2024
Tuition: $1,450

The Tibetan Buddhist practice of Powa (or Transference of Consciousness) is a technique that aims to help individuals achieve a positive rebirth or transition to a peaceful state after death.
According to Tibetan Buddhist beliefs, at the moment of death, the consciousness separates from the body and moves to the next life. The Powa practice is intended to guide this process by transferring the consciousness to a pure Buddha-field, a blissful realm free from suffering and obstacles.
During the practice, the individual visualizes a pure realm, usually represented by a deity, and meditates on this realm until they generate a deep sense of peace and inner calm. Then, the individual visualizes their consciousness leaving their body in the form of a small sphere of light and merging with the pure realm or deity. During the teachings and meditations you will learn to create a strong connection with the pure realm that can bring you peace and wisdom-bliss even in this lifetime.
The Powa practice can help beings achieve a positive rebirth and avoid suffering in this and their next life.
About Geshe Shenphen Samdup Rimpoche
Geshe Shenphen Samdup is a monk and scholar of Bon Buddhism. He was raised at the Menri Bon Monastery in India, under the tutelage of H.H. the Menri Trizin. His area of expertise includes the practice of Dzogchen and Phowa, the transmission of consciousness at the moment of death.
“Sam” has been a visiting scholar at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York and at the Smithsonian Institute. He holds a doctorate in Tibetan religious studies. He currently lives in Bhutan, where he is the abbot of a Bon Monastery.

with Geshe Shenphen Samdup Rimpoche and Dr. Alberto Villoldo

March 01 - 08, 2024
Tuition: $1,450
Dzogchen is the Great Perfection, the highest and most definitive path to complete liberation in Bon Tibetan Buddhism. Join Geshe and Alberto for this special week filled with shamanic and Buddhist ceremonies, fires, sweat lodge, and meditation. This in-depth immersion in this ancient spiritual tradition will be centered on nonduality, and the spontaneous presence of the enlightened state through meditation, chanting, and experience of the natural mind.